Permaculture Design South Africa
This website provides links to our various projects, services and courses available in the realm of permaculture design and implementation and we provide professional assistance on multiple levels to help you to establish or refine permaculture systems in your life context.
We hope to witness in our life-time the transition of our planet and our people into a REGENERATIVE culture.
We offer high quality permaculture courses held on our permaculture farm, come and learn how to design and establish your very own permaculture system, in a simple to understand practical manner.
We run practical internships on our permaculture farm. These provide invaluable facilitated practical experiences that will teach you new skills that a course and research cannot provide. Our programs run seasonally.
We can assist you in designing your Site, whether it is a home, farm, business, community and more. We have over 30 years of experience in permaculture design in many different contexts.
Our specialty is the design and implementation of regenerative water harvesting earthworks in all contexts. We Design comprehensive escosystemic slow, spread, sink and use systems.
We can asses your property or one you wish to purchase for its full potential as a human life support system. We will highlight the challenges and opportunities inherent in the site and show you a clear and simple way forward.
We can assist you and mentor you in a wide range of site establishment contexts, from water harvesting, soil building, garden establishment, livestock integration, food forests, agroforestry and more…
We offer mentorship and support services, where we support you in your permaculture journey, which is done mainly virtually, so is an affordable approach that lets you do the design and implementation, and we assess your work.
Management is a underdeveloped aspect of permaculture, we help you integrate many of the processes of Holistic Management into your System and life. Making good decisions is critical to success in permaculture.

End the Great Reset and bring on the Greater Reset
The present state of affairs in the world can be summed up in one word “UNSUSTAINABLE”… Every human being is affected by the current unbalanced distribution of resources around the world and the stakeholder-capitalist model of economics is rapidly increasing the already massive gap between the “haves” and the “have nots”… This process is been deliberately engineered by the tyrannical political agenda of the “Great Reset”.
We are seeing our freedoms systematically removed and a clear cut attempt to enslave humanity into a digital prison that enforces scarcity and low quality of life on everyone. The Collective Commons is being plundered and the centralised, corporate industrial mechanistic systems of factory farms, insect proteins, GMO’s, nutrient deficient foods will be our standard fare. Small farms and businesses are been systematically and deliberately destroyed towards a totalitarianism of franchise living. These destructive centralised systems of control are only going to speed up the destruction of the rapidly declining effectiveness of the global ecosystems and frankly the entire agenda has no future.

We can change the world
This does not mean we cannot do anything about the situation, each one of us has huge potential to bring about change and inspire it in others by setting the example in our own lives, and by doing this improve the quality of our own lives as we walk along the path toward regenerative living.
With permaculture we can redesign the world, and if we establish viable models, then we have a platform to offer real solutions into the challenges we face as a species. Permaculture provides us with a way out, a means to design regenerative free ecological societies, that in the long term provide everything humans need to live harmoniously and abundantly on earth in liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
This is a long journey as much has to be undone before we can rebuild a better regenerative world. We need as many on board as possible to achieve this and we need to repurpose the structure and process of society through a holistic design of our beautiful planet.
We are in the midst of the Great Awakening, and it is time we all played our part in the “Greater Reset”, the massive up-welling of people and grassroots organisations and networks towards Regeneration, that is currently characterising our response to this tyranny. We are building the parallel society and permaculture offers us the ability to design and establish the quality of life that we all dream of.

How Do We Do This?
We can do it with what we have, where we are, and with those around us, by redesigning the elements that make up our world into a Regenerative pattern that enables a high quality of life for us and future generations. We can turn this around, lets do it and leave the planet in a better context than we found it.
Permaculture Design South Africa provides support towards this goal in the form of courses, consultations, regenerative services, mentorships, advice, information and in the longer term, the establishment of an Institute of Permaculture Education leading to localised networks of support.