A free video course that takes a deep dive into understanding what permaculture is really all about. The course looks at the ecological foundation of permaculture, why it arose in the first place, the influences and foundational thinking of this design system. We take a journey into the orgins and history of permaculture and explore the Ethics of Permaculture, which are at its very heart. We define permaculture very clearly and conscisely as a concept and take a deep exploration into the 12 principles of permaculture as a foundation for the design process. Building on this foundation we explore Permaculture Zone Planning and look into how peramculture is applied to transform the world into a ecosystemic civilisation.
There are a series of 7 video modules in this course and they are released weekly until the end of January 2025.
Module 1
The context for the birth of permaculture, why did it arise? The basic truths behind societal and ecological degeneration and how we can turn the situation around.
Module 2
Here we take a deep dive into the characteristics of ecosystems and how they form the foundation of permaculture. We look at Syntropy vs Entropy and explore how permaculture systems, because they are Syntropic, provide the regenerative catalyst to redesign and evolve civilisation into harmony with nature.
Module 3
Here we take a deep dive into the ethical foundation of permaculture, we look into the 3 permcaulture ethics, Care of the Earth, Care of the People, and Reinvesting Surplus into the first 2 Ethics. We look at the personal and societal meanings of these ethics and how they inform all aspects of permacutlure design.
Module 4
Defining the permaculture concept. Understanding precisely what permaculture is and is not is critical to been enabled as an effective permaculture designer. Here we look at what makes permaculture unique as a design system, what it is and what it is not. This sets the foundation for exploring the next levels of permaculture.
Module 5
The Principles of Permaculture Part 1. Here we take a deep dive into each of the 12 Permaculture Principles as developed by David Holmgren. This is the most important part of permaculture to understand so we will go into detail each principle, define it, contextualise it and look at how it is applied in design and the results. Thus we will split this module into 2 parts because it is so important to get to the essence of this vital aspect of permaculture.
Module 6
Part 2 of our deep dive into the Permaculture Principles where we explore each of the 12 Permaculture Principles in detail and show how there application into design results in self-reguation of permacutlure systems. We look into how all 12 Principles are interconnected and contain each other within each one.
Module 7
Permaculture Zone Planning is a core design principle that forms the fundemental spatial arrangement and patterning of any permaculture system, with the objective of achieving the most energy efficient layout. This presentation is part 1 and defines the permaculture Zone Model System in detail which set the stage for an exploration of each Zone in permaculture in great detail in Part 2
Module 8
Permaculture Zones Part 2. Here we take a look at each of the 6 permaculture zone individually. We look at the characteristics of each zone and which systems and elements are best suited to each zone according to the rules of Zoning. We also look at the application of the Zone Model to society as a whole and how it transforms the spatial arrangement of society and how we engage with each other and the natural order. This is the final module in the course and zoning wraps up everything we have learnt about permaculture in this course. Thank you for participating and all the best in the next stage of your permaculture journey…